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Human-being, technology, and innovation:
The role of CRM in aviation

In the aviation world, the Crew Resource Management (CRM) is a fundamental multidisciplinary discipline that encompasses a wide range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These are essential in the cognitive and interpersonal areas, critical for the effective management of the entire aviation system. Cognitive abilities, in particular, are crucial for improving “situational awareness,” “problem-solving,” “decision-making,” and their maintenance.

CRM aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of teamwork, surpassing individual performance through a synergistic collaboration. These concepts, developed and refined over the past 40 years, have revolutionized commercial aviation, contributing significantly to the drastic reduction in aviation accidents.

Today, applying the principles of aviation CRM to businesses is not only possible but it represents a winning strategy for effective crisis management. Leveraging CRM techniques can transform business dynamics, ensuring optimal and safe management.

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