Airline Transport Pilot Licence  ATPL(A)

What is ATPL license

The ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) is the licence that allows you to become a pilot of airliners, that is, to enable you to fly airliners as Commander.

To begin the career of a professional pilot at the controls of an airplane it is necessary an investment in the formation attending a modular course ATPL or integrated near an “Approved Training Organisations” (ATO) near which to obtain the flight licenses (once called patents) required by airlines to be hired as professional pilots.

Pista di rullaggio
Diventare pilota di aerei di linea

Why become an airline pilot license?

Wanting to become an airline pilot means to become a professional pilot at the controls of an aircraft and be able to enjoy the indescribable emotion of taking off from the runway an airplane. Not to mention that there is a real sense of accomplishment when landing safely after each flight.

The aviation industry is made up of extraordinary and unique people who share a passion for flying with energy and enthusiasm.

Obtaining an airline pilot licence is a decisive investment in training and makes people smarter. By learning to apply logic and rationality to decisions, drivers know how to manage the resources available in a winning way.

✍Requirements for becoming a pilot of airliners

  • To become an airline pilot you must attend the course at an Organization for Training (ATO), a real school of airline pilots authorized by the National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) to organize ATPL courses in Italy.At a flight school of scheduled aircraft you can get all the licenses and ratings necessary to be hired by an airline and become a airline pilot.To start a modular ATPL training course you must meet the following requirements:have reached the age of 16;
    Have attained 1st Class medical fitness as prescribed by European legislation.

Difference between modular ATPL course and integrated ATPL course

Asteraviation offers its cadets a modular ATPL course, that is carried out in several consecutive modules. The modular course ensures greater adaptability to the needs of each cadet. The integrated course, on the other hand, converges all the notions in a single intensive course. However, these must be learned in 24/36 months and, in case of interruption of the course, no license is recognized.

Next ATPL course will start

in march 2024

Structure and duration of the ATPL course in Italy

➤ ATPL Frozen: what is

The ATPL Frozen is the theoretical Easa ATPL courseTo obtain the ATPL Frozen you must pass all the ATPL exam subjects in sessions organized by ENAC. As we will see below, the subjects for the theoretical ATPL exam are 14.

European legislation (EASA) allows you to start working for an airline with the CPL license licenza CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence)and the ATPL Frozen.

The ATPL (Full ATPL) licence is required to pilot a scheduled aircraft as a commander, so you can get after a few years of work as a professional pilot at an airline or a commercial operator. The requirements for full ATPL are 1,500 total flight hours (of which at least 500 on multi-crew aircraft)

Asteraviation’s theoretical airliner pilot course (ATPL Frozen) is flexible and adapted to the cadet’s abilities with programs specifically designed for students, newly graduated and workers.

it can be done in several ways

  • 650 theoretical hours in class;
  • integrating the study on the platform in Distance Learning with 250 hours in the classroom (suitable for those who work).

Materie ed Esami ATPL

esame atpl teorico

The ATPL subjects of the theoretical course, divided into 5 days of examination, are 14:

Air Law, Aircraft General Knowledge -Airframe, Systems, Powerplant, Aircraft General Knowledge -Instrumentation, Mass and Balance, Performance, Flight Planning and Monitoring, Human Performance and Limitations, Meteorology, General Navigation, Radio Navigation, OperationalProcedures, Principles of Flight, VFR Communications, IFR Communications.

Il candidato può sostenere l’esame solamente dopo aver superato il pre test ATPL presso l’accademia con almeno l’85% di score. La preparazione fornita da Asteraviation è stabilita sulla base di costanti test di esercitazione prelevati da un database ATPL ufficiale in costante aggiornamento.

L’allievo deve sostenere e superare tutte le prove per tutte le materie entro un periodo di 18 mesi, calcolati dalla fine del mese in cui viene effettuata la prima sessione d’esame.

Ogni sessione d’esame ha una data di convocazione. Per scoprire le date dei prossimi esami ATPL basta consultare il calendario degli esami ENAC 2021.

Prova l'esperienza del volo diventa pilota di linea

The ATPL course

  • 650 theoretical hours

  • 4 study platforms

  • Training days at the operating offices of airlines

  • Courses from march 2024

Why choose the Asteraviation’s ATPL course

Asteraviation is an ATO authorized to organize courses to take the airline pilot license (years ago called ATPL patent) based in Verona, VenetoIt is a renowned flight school for airline pilots, every year dozens of boys and girls arrive from all over Italy to obtain licences and become a pilot of airliners.

The ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) course provided by Asteraviation will ensure, thanks to the experience and professionalism of the teachers and collaborators, a training tailored to your needs, allowing you the best performance for your success.

Our innovative training programs aim to ensure safe, comprehensive and successful training.

Costs and more information

To know how much the airline flight licence costs (today it is called a license) and then the cost of the ATPL course at our Flight Academy in Verona, you can contact us by filling out the form below.

We will call you back immediately and propose solutions to take advantage of the ATPL funding and facilities in place.

High School Program

This program is designed for students who want to obtain professional flight licenses without taking the time to study for the achievement of the high school diploma.

The programme was designed to intensify activities during the summer holidays and at the end of the course. The most demanding courses are, in fact, provided after the graduation.

In this way the cadet will have time to assimilate all the knowledge necessary for his training as a pilot and at the same time will be able to be ready for recruitment in an airline shortly after obtaining the diploma.

corso ATPL per studenti

Airline Fast Program

We have developed an intensive program with theory and flight lessons that will allow you to acquire all the skills needed to become a professional pilot in about two years.

During this period the cadet will be constantly followed by our flight instructors and those of theory. It will be an intense study path, but with the help of the academy team it will be possible to become a professional driver in a short time.

Corso ATPL presso Asteraviation per diventare piloti di linea

ATPL(A) Distance Learning

You work in another sector and you’ve always dreamed of being an airline pilot? With the Asteraviation Flight Academy’s ATPL (A) Distance Learning program, you can take courses without having to take your time.

You will be constantly followed by our team and you will be able to obtain all the licenses and qualifications to become a professional driver.

Diventa pilota di linea e inizia subito la tua carriera presso le compagnie aeree

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