The course is aimed at obtaining the FI Flight Instructor (Flight Instructor) rating, which allows you to carry out the profession and provide specific training for the achievement of flight licenses.
What does a flight instructor do?
The flight instructor is the professional who teaches others to fly. He is the person in charge of training future pilots to obtain flight licenses and ratings. He teaches his students to become pilots by transmitting the culture of safety, knowledge of the rules of the air and the operation of the plane.
Course structure and duration
The course lasts between 3 and 5 months, which can become more at the request of the candidate, and is structured in two parts:
Theoretical part: it includes 125 hours of lessons on current regulations, teaching techniques and those of understanding the physiological and psychophysical components that influence the decisions of the students.
Practical part: parallel to the theoretical part is practical training with 30 hours (minimum) flight time on the aircraft of the Academy.
Course’s items
The aim of the training course is to train a future instructor who knows how to ensure the best possible training for the new generation of pilots, and teach in full safety as a Flight Instructor in the appropriate courses, such as the PPL course.
Flight instructors play a key role in aviation: they provide new pilots with a professional model to follow and transmit to them the experience they will not find in textbooks. For a student, having a good instructor can make the difference between a life in aviation or choosing to change profession after the first course.
In addition to this, the Asteraviation FI Flight Instructor Course aims to:
- Implement the theoretical knowledge of the candidate instructor;
- Teaching the innovative teaching methodology of the Asteraviation Academy, to be applied to theoretical subjects and flight missions, placing CRM and Human Factor at the center of the training;
- Train the candidate instructor to use different teaching methodologies, so that he can choose the one best suited to each student.
Requirements for becoming a flight instructor
A number of requirements are required to become a Flight Instructor. The candidate must:
- hold a CPL (A) or ATPL (A) licence;
- conduct an assessment flight with the Chief Instructors of the Academy;
- have completed at least 30 hours of flight time on SEP-class aeroplanes, of which 5 hours in the last 6 months;
- have received 10 hours of IFR instruction, of which no more than 5 hours on an approved FNPT or Simulator;
- have completed at least 20 hours of flight time as pilot-in-command, including a flight of 300 NM (540 km) with two landings at two aerodromes other than the aerodrome of departure;
- If only licensed under PPL (A), it shall have at least 200 total flight hours, 150 of which as PIC, and have passed the CPL(A) theoretical knowledge examinations as required by PART-FCL.